Command Line FTP
To initiate an FTP connection from the command line
At unix prompt type "ftp <>". When possible secure connections can be established by typing "sftp <>"
#This brings up a prompt for the username
Name: username
#This brings up a prompt for the password (if required)
Password: 123
#This brings up the ftp prompt
To navigate when in the FTP command environment
Remote site:
cd xyz - to move between diretories
ls - to see a list of files and folders in current directory
pwd - to get current directory path
Local machine:
lcd xyz - to move between directories
lls - to see a list of files and folders in current directory
To move files between machines
NOTE: You must first navigate to correct local and remote directories before initiating transfers
Download from remote site to local machine
get file.txt
Upload from local machine to remote site
put file.txt
To end an FTP session
Additional Features
ascii to set the mode of file transfer to ASCII (this is the default and transmits seven bits per character)
binary to set the mode of file transfer to binary (transmits all eight bits per byte and thus provides less chance of a transmission error)
delete to delete a file
mdelete to delete multiple files
rename to rename a file (rename
mkdir make a new directory
rmdir remove a directory
help to see a list of all available FTP commands